xpedeo Mediaguide
the personal
Exhibition guide

xpedeo Mediaguide

The xpedeo Mediaguide is an accessible, digital exhibition guide with its own editing system and evaluation tool.
On rental devices and on visitors' smartphones

Experience museums and exhibitions with your eyes, ears and fingertips:
Razor-sharp videos - vivid animations - opulent picture galleries - 360° panoramas - interactive games - lively audio contributions - engaging children's tours - localisation via GPS or WLAN - a fully-fledged CMS system in the background.

... and what does it look like? As you want it! We will be happy to design your media guide with colours and fonts to match your company's corporate identity.

GRASSI Museum of Applied Arts

GRASSI Museum of Applied Arts

Navigation through the museum and its contents is child's play and takes place via fascinating, freely rotatable 360-degree panoramas.

Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum Key visual

Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum

The exhibition: "Epidemics: Curse of the Past - Threat of the Future" is a special exhibition of superlatives

Terminals in the exhibition

Historical Museum of the Palatinate Speyer

A central element of the exhibition are life-size screens on which visitors encounter healers from antiquity, the Middle Ages and modern times.

Contribution screen

House of Bavarian History

In June 2019, the House of Bavarian History was opened in Regensburg. Our products xpedeo and additor were there. With 200,000 visitors in the first eight weeks, the museum is a complete success. Congratulations!

Museum exterior view

Historical Museum Frankfurt

We are delighted to have equipped the Historisches Museum Frankfurt with an innovative media guide in time for its reopening. xpedeo offers visitors a wide variety of ways to access the cultural heritage of the city on the Main.

Telling history with stories

Nuremberg hole prisons

Cramped, dark, cold - you don't want to get lost here! Don't worry, xpedeo shows you the way - and provides exciting information about the gruesome times in Nuremberg's dungeons.

Sonnenwelt exhibition

Adventure exhibition Sonnenwelt Großschönau

The visitors themselves become visible in the guide on their multimedia, interactive journey of discovery through the history of our climate.

Exterior view of DASA

DASA Working World Dortmund

In each exhibition unit, a 360° panorama opens up on the screen - so you can find your way around the 130,00m² exhibition space.

Schüler mit Mediaguide
Highlight tour Arbeiten und Risiken am Selfaktor (Videobeitrag DASA Arbeitswelt-Ausstellung)Websaal (Audiobeitrag DASA)Staub (Audiobeitrag DASA)
cccccccc Intro Kinderrundgang "Von Sonne und Erde" in der Sonnenwelt Großschönau
Sign tour contribution
Sign tour contribution
Panoramic navigation
Panoramic navigation
Navigation in the museum
Navigation in the museum
Terminal in the exhibition
Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum Navigation map
Arranging coats of arms game
GRASSI Museum of Applied Arts


xpedeo on Mediaguide, smartphone and tablet
xpedeo on Mediaguide, smartphone and tablet

Inclusive? Barrier-free? Of course!

xpedeo Mediaguide works on smartphones, tablets and terminals - and therefore on visitors' devices as well as on rental devices.

Our guide is suitable for young and old children, families and visually impaired and deaf visitors. more



Just as you like it

Free stroll or guided tour? Number entry or map? Beacons or not? Different forms of navigation can be combined with each other: This allows you to cater for both visitors who like to navigate content conventionally via a number field and those who like to be guided through the exhibition by means of room panoramas. more


Our editing system
makes content maintenance quick and easy

With the help of our tried-and-tested and intuitive additor® content management system, all Mediaguide content can be entered independently by your employees, changed at any time and updated regularly. Special exhibitions or new exhibits can be added in no time at all.
Regardless of whether they are multimedia guides, interactive terminals or web presences.
Do you have an international team and need an English user interface for some of your employees? No problem! more

Content Management System additor


Our evaluation tool EVA
Always getting better

Get to know your visitors. Our evaluation tool "EVA" helps you to analyse the behaviour in your company. Our MediaGuides record in anonymised form which information is accessed, used intensively or perhaps even cancelled. In combination with our xpedeo indoor localisation, you also receive a digital "heat profile" of your exhibition. You can track the average length of stay as well as walking routes.

All analyses can also be carried out over a self-selected period of time. This allows you to evaluate specific changes to the exhibition architecture. You can rearrange your exhibition over a weekend as a test and evaluate the impact this has on user behaviour. more

EVA new