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Historical Museum of the Palatinate

Multimedia terminals

different characters
© die In­for­ma­ti­ons­Ge­sell­schaft mbH

Unrecognisable: one actor embodies the most diverse figures in the history of medicine from antiquity, the middle ages through to the modern day. 



Based on the literary figure featured in the novel by Noah Gordon, the exhibition “The Physician” offers a cultural and historical journey through the history of medicine. A central element of this exhibition are the life­sized screens on which one actor plays a wide range of characters as different healers and doctors. Via a touch-screen, visitors can interact in a dialogue with each of these characters and find out from them all about the healing methods of today and the past.

We developed the technical equipment and were responsible for the filming: From establishing and selecting the team, sourcing and providing the make-up and character costumes, conception and design of background screens right through to the final editing of the films.

Our team also programmed the terminal-functionality and created the design for the user interface.

Multimedia terminal in "The Physician"
© Historical Museum of the Palatinate


Der Schau­spie­ler Da­ni­el Fries zeigt sich ex­trem wan­del­bar:
Actor Daniel Fries is incredibly versatile:
Als Hei­ler und Me­di­zi­ner schlüpf­te er in zehn Rol­len von anno bis dato ...
he slips convincingly into the role of ten different healers and physicians from way back then until now
und ver­mit­telt dem  Be­su­cher Me­di­zin­ge­schich­te.
and passes on medical history to the visitor.