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Stiftung Bundeskanzler-Adenauer-Haus

Museum bird's eye view
Photo: Skyscraper, Licence: CC BY-SA 4.0 (detail)

Konrad Adenauer probably spent his most formative years in his home in Rhöndorf. Today, the house serves as a memorial where Adenauer's life and work are presented in the form of an impressive permanent exhibition.

Floor selection

There are several access points and navigation options for different user types. You can navigate through the contents using floor plans (above) and floor plans (below)..

Floor plan

The new digital offer consists of multilingual and inclusive tours. Visitors have the opportunity to move through Adenauer's life using an xpedeo web app or a rental device.
The multimedia offer can be experienced not only on site in Bonn, but also from the comfort of your own home - the 360-degree panoramic navigation makes it possible. And there is also provision for future expansion: thanks to our additor content management system, additional tours can be easily added at any time.

Contribution overview

or with the help of an overview of all contributions..

or you can use the panoramic navigation and stroll through the exhibition rooms.
